1st Vice President

Bishop Joseph Kwaku Afrifah-Agyekum

Bishop Joseph Kwaku Afrifah-Agyekum

1st Vice President of RECOWA CERAO

Bishop of Koforidua, Ghana


05 May, 2022elected 1st Vice-President of RECOWA-CERAO1st Vice-President of RECOWA-CERAO
1 jul, 2006Ordained BishopBishop of Koforidua, Ghana
12 Apr, 2006AppointedBishop of Koforidua, Ghana
6 Jul, 1992IncardinatedPriest of Koforidua, Ghana
17 Jul, 1983Ordained PriestPriest of Accra, Ghana
22 dec, 1954Born to Akimu Swedru, Ghana